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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

On Reading

I suppose I read for the same reasons I wear shoes and drive a car. I could live without those things, but not the same. I suppose the reasons others read vary as widely as choices of footwear and transportation. Exercise and parties may be a better analogy still.

A thought . . .


Unknown said...

You wear shoes because they're convenient? Try walking around the wilderness or in the winter with no shoes lol. I don't think you would get too far.

I like to read because you can live out a fantasy or learn something. With fiction, you get transported to another world/life that's only possible through the imagination. It can be wonderful to destress from real life and be entertained by somebody's else's idea of what life could be like. With nonfiction, you might learn something, such as skill, lesson, or an intrinsic value.

Weswise said...

Convenience would be part of it, but I had in mind things like protection - shoes protect your feet, knowledge can protect your mind; efficiency - a car can get me farther and faster than walking, and reading can similarly expose me to ideas more readily; etc. But yeah, extracurricular reading would seem more optional than shoes, practically speaking, for the average day-to-day demands for most people.

I do tend to lean toward non-fiction but I do agree that there's that aesthetic element of reading just for the pleasure of it (usually with fiction) - exposed to a new thought, time, place, way of speaking, and vicariously assessing different experiences.

The analogy of exercise and parties might better capture the correlation in that you can still use your body without doing an exercise routine, and you'll get some exercise in common things, but by training your body you can intentionally develop your fitness for the health benefits as well as the utility of then being able to do more with your body - and with reading you can train the mind. Parties might be analogous to the fiction realm like what you're saying - where you can have an experience that takes you away from the context of daily demands and allows exposure to new ideas, stories, and even just a frame of mind that isn't distracted by one's own responsibilities.